Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lists are good...and bad...and ugly

I've attempted a couple of times to write a post, and I seem to just ramble today you get lists...

The Good:

- A long lost friend came to visit me Monday.  I'm still recovering.

- Someone brought doughnuts to work today...and there were the cake ones that aren't all crazy sweet.

- I am super excited that I get to go see Alice in Chains with a long lost dear friend of mine on Friday.

- I am super excited that I have the whole day off work Friday.  Three day weekends are awesome.

- I just realized that there's a Facebook app upgrade for BlackBerry that fixed my issues with iPhone peeps.

The Bad:

- I just used 30 minutes of my life in an attempt to explain the difference between a row and a column to a coworker.  *slaps forehead in frustration*

- Accidentally calling people when you're having sex is embarrassing.  When it's a coworker it's absolutely mortifying.  Thanks coworkers who have given me hell all week!

- On part of my day off on Friday I have to go to the Dept of Transportation to get a new ID...icky

- I can't post comments to the Facebook statuses of iPhone users?  What the fudgesicle?  iPhone gets an app upgrade and my Facebook world has to fall apart?  Not cool.

The Ugly:

- All of the news coverage of the Heene family is getting on my last nerve.  A hoax used as a publicity stunt is rewarded with publicity.  Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

your "bad" list cracked my up.

im sick of the heene family too.

R.H. Ducky said...

Tammie: glad you enjoyed it. I get a kick out of your blog as well.
The coverage of the Heene family is WAY out of control.