Monday, May 17, 2010

Speaking of Pretend Girlfriends....

I just received a text message that included a picture of this magazine cover:

I wonder what it says about me when my sister in law feels the need to text me "news" like this?  Also, I wonder if it's mine? 


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

as for me, i dont believe the hype. no matter what evidence im smacked in the face with, i just dont believe that she and robert pattinson are a couple. i believe its all a big film studio hoax.

R.H. Ducky said...

tammie: i agree, mostly because i feel that i am a much better match for her than robert pattinson.

also, i am beginning to think i may have drank WAY too much coffee today. either that or my cold medicine is making me loopy. or possibly a combination of the two.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

saw a bit of it on Oprah. she was joking. and really that is all I saw on Oprah. don't care for them so deleted the episode off DVR. I am proud to say that I have never seen a Star Wars movie or a vampire movie. I'm too old you see.

R.H. Ducky said...

peggy: i don't care for oprah, so i don't dvr i didn't see any of the interview. and honestly i didn't read the article in OK magazine (don't tell kstew, she'll think i don't care anymore). i was just amused by the fact that sandy sent it to me.

hmm, i've never seen a star wars movie either. but NO vampire movies? i can't count how many times i've watched twilight & new moon....or underworld. ahh kate beckinsdale, another of my pretend girlfriends ;)

m. said...

good old oprah.