Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Who, What, Why

First, I suppose I should introduce myself...Hi there, I'm R.H. Ducky, pleased to make your acquaintance.  Is my name really R.H. Ducky?  Probably not. 

So, I guess that leads us to a few questions.  Why create a blog, why not use your real name, why call it DuckSoup, what's this blog about...?  The questions really are endless.  I've asked myself these, and many other questions.  Here's what I've come up with so far:

Why create a blog?  Honestly, it wasn't my idea.  I blame my cousin, we'll call her PsychoHoseBeast, she has pushed and prodded and begged and pleaded for me to start a blog.  For some unknown reason she feels that I should share my thoughts with the world.  I personally find this scary, for the world I mean.  But what the heck, I'll give it a shot.

Why not use your real name?  To be frank, that's not my real name either by the way, I like the anonymity.  There are often things that I want to say that I feel obligated to keep to myself out of fear of embarrassing/upsetting/offending my family or friends.  That being said, not every random thought that passes through my brain is embarrassing/upsetting/offensive, but it does happen.

Why call your blog DuckSoup?  I struggled to think of a name for my blog.  I stressed out about it a lot.  I stress out about a lot of things a lot, but that's beside the point.  So anyway, obviously I love duckies and I wanted to somehow incorporate that into the title.  I played around with many different combinations, and finally settled on tacking soup to it.  The name appeals to me, and this is my blog, so there.  Actually, there is a more in depth answer, maybe I'll get around to explaining that one of these days.

What is this blog about?  Excellent question, you'll probably figure that one out before I do.  I do not have a set plan for this blog.  I wanted to have a plan, I tried to come up with a plan, but to no avail.  Then I decided it was just time to take action or I would never get this started.  I'm excellent at procrastination. 

Oh and just a warning, I do sometimes use foul language, though I really am attempting to clean up my potty mouth.  Sometimes I would rather not bother with the shift key, I will probably frequently misuse punctuation marks, most likely will spell things incorrectly, and I'm not always the most grammatically correct human being on the planet.  I am fully aware that I am not the greatest writer but who knows, maybe I do have something worthwhile to say.

So, welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere, I hope you'll come back again soon.


Real Live Lesbian said...

I can't believe I'm the only one here reading this!

I don't care what name you use. Real Live Lesbian isn't mine either. ;)

And shouldn't that be fowl language....

R.H. Ducky said...

RLL ~ lol, you know i thought about putting "fowl" but i honestly was afraid that someone would correct my spelling. many people don't seem to "get" me.