Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Whoa Mama

The Duggar baby making factory is running full steam ahead. I've been reading that Michelle Duggar, mother of 18 and soon to be grandmother, is preggo once again.

To quote Stewie Griffin, "So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?".  My uterus hurts just thinking about giving birth to 19 kids. I mean really, how do you come back from that? I kinda feel the need to say a little prayer for this poor woman's hoohah (this stunning use of medical terminology is one of the many reasons I didn't go to med school).

Some would argue that this event in no way, shape, or form affects my life so my opinion is irrelevant. Ahh, but I feel that when they put their lives on display in the form of a reality television show then I have the right to voice my views. I have actually watched a few episodes of their show...I'm a reality show addict and there was a marathon on TLC, I got sucked in one Saturday. According to what I picked up from the show and everything I've read thus far this family is living completely debt-free (which I find absolutely amazing, kudos for that Duggar family). All of the children were/are home schooled. They are part of a very conservative Christian movement known as Quiverfull, which teaches that children should be received eagerly as blessings from God...and that birth control is a big no-no. Wow, they really took that "be fruitful and multiply" passage literally. Ok, so that's just a really quick, very basic rundown.

Now, how do I personally feel about this?  My logical side would say to each their own. I won't be playing on the Quiverfull softball team anytime soon though, that's for sure. However, I do feel that they have the right to believe how they choose to. That being said I really don't agree with their teachings and the way they live their life. I tend to lean a little more toward the liberal side of things. I don't agree with the way they raise their seems to me the younger children are pawned off on the older ones to take care of.  I don't feel that when you have 19 children you can truly give each child the individual attention they need and deserve...I can't fathom how they could possibly grow up to be well adjusted people.  I have issues with homeschooling in instances where it seems to be a tool to isolate children from society.  The Duggar family also supports several pro-family, pro-marriage (anti-gay) organizations such as Focus on the Family (don't even get me started on Focus on the Family).  So, I guess the Duggar's and I will just have to agree to disagree.  But I do sincerely hope for the health and safety of mom and baby through the pregnancy and birth.

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