Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And I Didn't Even Prepare A Speech...

Tammie recently gave me some awards.  I'm fairly new to this whole blogging thing and have never gotten an award before, so I really just had a moment of giddiness.  Yeah, I'm a dork.

The rules of the Honest Scrap award state that I have to share ten honest things about myself, so here goes:

1.  I look for patterns and signs in everything...I mean literally everything. I'm not sure why, but I know that it comforts me. I've really only talked extensively about this to two of them thinks I'm completely delusional.

2.  When I'm nervous, scared, or worried I joke around a lot.  Many people have taken this to mean that I just simply don't care and am never serious about anything.  This is completely untrue...I am super sensitive and feel things deeply and intensely, I think I use humor (possibly inappropriately) as a defense mechanism.  There have been times when I have wanted to comfort people who were hurting and I just felt too awkward or uncomfortable and made some dumbass joke and ended up causing more harm than good.  Sometimes humor has helped to alleviate tension, but usually it just makes me seem like an uncaring ass.

3.  I have freakishly small feet considering how tall I am.  I am pushing 6' real hard, but I only wear a size 7.5 or 8 shoe.  I am convinced this is why I'm such a klutz.  My feet are just too dang small to balance me. 

4.  I don't really like sweets.  I never have, even when I was a kid.  I might get a craving for cheesecake every now and then, but that's about it.  When I was little my mom the Easter Bunny used to always put books and puzzles and such in my Easter basket because I would never eat the candy.

5.  I have been single for almost a year now (there has been dating, but no serious long term relationship)...and I'm very proud of that.  I've always been pretty independent in a sense...but for some reason I always panicked if I was single.  So, I have always had a really bad habit of jumping from horrible relationship to horrible relationship.  [insert U-Haul jokes here] 

6.  I almost got married a man.  He treated very well, was charming, polite, and ridiculously handsome.  My family adored him, and really encouraged the whole marriage thing.  I knew that's what was expected of me...but I also knew that marrying him just didn't feel right.  So instead I joined the Air Force.

7.  While in the Air Force, at tech school, I met my first girlfriend.  We became victims of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy" after her roommate ratted us out to our squadron commander.  My military career ended shortly after.

8.  I am envious of people who are all creative and crafty.  I love Hobby Lobby and stores like that.  I can lose hours just wandering around in them thinking of all the possibilities.  I will have hundreds of ideas just rattling around in my brain...but then when it comes time to settle on just one I get overwhelmed and generally leave with nothing to show for the time I've spent browsing.  I think I need a good entry level hobby.

9.  I think I am part gypsy.  I can never seem to live anywhere for more than a couple of years before I start getting all antsy.  I love moving to new places, seeing new things, learning new things, meeting new people.  It's such an adventure.  My favorite place I've ever lived is probably Colorado...if it weren't for the damned winters I would possibly be content to live there forever.

10.  There are days when I really yearn to have children.  There are days when the gay husband really yearns to have children.  So far we've had these yearnings on different days.  If our biological clocks ever line up the world is in deep shit.

Not sure how interesting that was but those are my truths for the day. 

Oh, and happy Veteran's Day to those that served before, beside, and after me.  (and yes I realize the whole "beside me" portion of that statement doesn't span a large chunk of time, but I don't really consider that my fault)


Anonymous said...

ooh i found all of these fascinating and there is a lot to comment on.

i love number one. for the longest time, my brain was in the habit of putting things in sequential order. if i was reading a sign or a menu id alphabetize all the letters. i finally just told myself i had to stop doing this or id lose it. i still do it from time to time though.

i can relate to number 2 as well. at my first job interview, i was told i was too giggly. um, im not giggly at all! but i guess i can be when nervous or tense.

anyway, i love learning more about you since you are my newest bloggy friend. :)

R.H. Ducky said...

Wow, fascinating huh? And I was going to consider it an accomplishment if I didn't come across as a completely neurotic basketcase who somehow still manages to be totally boring.