Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yes, I would like some cheese with my whine

I really feel as though I've been taking a ride in the wambulance all week.  Seriously, all I've done is whine, complain, and cry for the past several days.  I'm starting to get on my own nerves.  I really feel sorry for the gay husband, but he has been incredibly supportive, patient, and just all-around adorable. 

I still feel all tired and run down and just icky in general.  My doc sent me to a specialist and the only thing "special" about him is that he is a complete douchebag.  He is the type of doctor who makes my fear of doctors seem rational.  He was just very cold and made me feel extremely uncomfortable.  I swear this man acted annoyed that I was in his office.  But anyway, he examined me and ordered some more blood the waiting continues.
This is exactly the reason why I don't normally even go to the doctor.  Generally I try to practice the whole mind over matter thing and just try to will away whatever happens to be bothering me.  Then I take a shit ton of vitamin c or something and hope for the best.  I'm kind of regretting going to the doctor in the first place.  Maybe I would just rather not know if I'm sick.  Is that crazy?

Oh, and Dad, if you ever happen to run across my blog I want you to know how completely awesome it was for you to move to a whole different state and not tell me.  You, sir get the Father of the Year Award.  Not.  And my older brother should get an award for telling me, "sorry, but I have more important things going on right now".


Anonymous said...

i hate doctors. the last time i went was when i had my second kid, almost five years ago. i never go for the exact same reasons you dont, i feel as if all my concerns are just met with a dismissive attitude. its very frustrating. i know im not a doctor, bu ive had my body for a long time, i know how im supposed to feel and i can tell when somethings not right.

anyway, i hope you get some answers soon.
oh, and i laughed out loud at "wambulance."

R.H. Ducky said...

It's unfortunate that Alec Baldwin isn't a doctor...I bet he would be caring and compassionate ;)

Anonymous said... i think my blood pressure just went up.
i would be at his office every day.