Friday, November 20, 2009

Undeniable Proof That I Have Way Too Much Time On My Hands

Rather than whining about our broken heater and the $2,800.00 it's going to take to fix it, I've decided to answer some questions.  A whole freakin' shitload of questions actually.  Anyone else who wants to answer them should do so...these things amuse me. 

Do you have any nicknames?
bitch (thanks adam), fat ass (thanks sam), psychohosebeast (thanks amy), and slim (thanks holly)

Who will you be sleeping with tonight?
i don't have anyone scheduled. any volunteers?

Do you like to grocery shop?
well, i am a fat ass

Do you do your own laundry?
yes, but only until i win the lottery

Do you watch "The Hills"?
no...are they really alive with the sound of music?

Wearing any bracelets?
always, but i'm short one bracelet...due to my klutziness i broke one of my favorite ones

Last thing you drank?
coffee....caffeine and nicotine is the actual breakfast of champions, just so you know

What were you doing at midnight last night?

What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
i enjoy waking up so much that i hit snooze repeatedly just so i can do it several times a day

Are you taller than your mom?
i'm taller than your mom

Do you want to get married and have children one day?
that's not currently on my to-do list...but who knows

Dog or cat person?
normally dogs...but catwoman is pretty hot

Favorite place to shop?
the internet

Ever open a bag of chips in the grocery store and eat them before paying?
oh shit, you're supposed to pay for the food you consume while you're still in the store?!? oops

Do you like being in pictures?
depends on my level of inebriation

Ever been in an ambulance?
considering all the stupid shit i've done in my life i'm pretty shocked that i've never ridden in an ambulance. i do seem to take a ride in the waaaaambulance frequently though

Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
it's actually all my natural color

Do you have trust issues?
yeah, and that's just the start of a long list of my issues

What's the first thing you'll do when you turn 18?
do i get to count backwards now? woohoo

Do you smile often?
when people aren't pissing me off i do

Do you prefer an ocean or pool?
i'd take either...and some warm sunshine right about now

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
no, but i'm pretty convinced that i was indeed adopted

Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?
rent would probably be cheaper

Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
several times...and trust me, it's not an easy task for tall people

Are you a loud person?
only when i'm yelling

Do you read?
nope, i've just been guessing which questions you're going to ask me. how am i doing so far?

Are you a fast typer?
yes...mostly because i don't usually bother with the shift key and i couldn't really care less if i have typos.  underachievement at it's finest

How old will you be in five years?
approximately 13,565.25 days old

How tall are you?
180.34 cm

What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
my report card

What time did you wake up today?
i'm still working on it

What are you wearing right now?
boring work clothes...jeans and a company tshirt

Do you like Christmas songs?
omg no! could we please, please, please get some new christmas songs...the current ones have been seriously overplayed

Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
are you flirting with me?

What do you like about winter?
that it always eventually ends

How many states/provinces have you lived in?
seven...i think

What is your favorite restaurant?
hooters...j/k i've never actually been there. but their new "more than a mouthful" ad campain makes me giggle like a teenage boy

What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
beef tips w/ gravy

What is your favorite kind of soup?
talk...joel cracks me up

How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?
how much water is actually in 12 oz of beer?

Do you know how to play poker?
not really. but that reminds me of a joke...
how do you wake lady gaga up? you poke her face

Have you ever been to Canada?
no, but i have been to a canadian's house.  does that count for anything?

Have you ever gotten stitches?
i'm a klutzy accident waiting to yes

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
i guess some people might call them that

Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
dip me in honey and throw me to the....oh wait, that wasn't an option

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
a precise mixture of bbq and hot mustard

Can you change the oil on a car?
yes. and by yes, i really mean no

What is your usual bedtime?
right after i run out of alcohol

Do you dance in the car?
yeah, a friend of mine showed me how to do the electric slide in the backseat last week

What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper?
b, i'm not writing a song, i just need to pick up some new bras

Is it possible that you could be pregnant right now?
they say anything is possible.  but they are wrong.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
mrs. dash

Is there a guy that knows everything or mostly everything about you?
adam and munky know all my dirty little secrets

Do you regret dating anyone you dated?
i've made a few (ok a lot) of bad choices in the dating department

When do you go back to school?
monday...wait, no, that's work

If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you?
omg i'm answering questions written by high schoolers

Would you say you have an organized bedroom?
i wouldn't say that i have an organized anything

When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
they have mirrors at the grocery store now?

Is your shirt yellow?
no, it's pretty brave

Do you honestly believe that good things come to those who wait?
patience is a virtue...a virtue i don't possess, so i really wouldn't know

Do you date a boy/girl for looks or personality?
a think a good mix of both is fairly important...being rich doesn't hurt either. kidding. sort of

What did you do yesterday?
i rearranged my sock drawer

When was the last time you had a great day?


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha....these were all really funny. that lady gaga joke made me laugh wayyyyy more than it should have.

$2800! yikes. you and the gay husband best just get yourselves a couple of Snuggies and learn to deal. ouch.

oh and i love the soup. love it.

Alicia said...

Tammie your penguin joke made me laugh wayyy more than it should have.

I sort of abandoned the gay husband this weekend. I'm a horrible wife. But I am currently on a mission to find an orange Snuggie.