Since the "town" I live in has a population of roughly 559 it's not surprising that I get bored...frequently. It's a good thing that I'm easily amused.
Friday evening on my home from work I called Adam and asked him if he needed me to stop and pick anything up on my way in. He wanted new sponges for the kitchen. Umm, ok...I was beginning to worry that our weekend was going to be less than entertaining for me. Using my powers of persuasion I convinced him that alcohol would be more fun...actually it really wasn't that difficult to persuade him. But anyway, when I went into the store I couldn't help but notice that Miller has some 16oz. cans of their High Life variety of beer in freakin' camouflage cans. Of course I couldn't resist buying them because I just HAD to show someone, and both my camera and phone were left in the car.
So now I have to this strictly a backwoods Texas thing? Are these camo cans in other states? And most importantly, did I really move here on purpose?
HA HA HA HA HA HA oh gosh that's awful. ive never seen the camo can, but then again i tend to not even look at Miller, i hate it so.
i had no idea they called themselves the champagne of beer. who are they trying to kid?!?! you know what beer is better than Miller? OH, just every other beer EVER.
if drinking 16 oz of Miller out of a camo can is living the "High Life" then i guess i'll keep floundering down here at the bottom.
ugh miller isn't exactly your favorite huh? you should probably never look at my facebook or myspace pictures, i may or may not be holding miller lites in several of them.
miller in general doesn't call themselves the champagne of beer...just the high life crap, for some reason that is totally beyond my comprehension.
and i literally laughed out loud when you said, "if drinking 16 oz of Miller out of a camo can is living the "High Life" then i guess i'll keep floundering down here at the bottom."
nah, but i dont like a lot of beers. im sorta fussy about beer.
now i need to go see if i can find/stalk you on facebook.
ok. i couldnt find you on facebook. although admitedly i only looked for about 3 1/2 minutes. since i only have your email address and your first name, i dont think its possible. well, maybe possible, but hard.
email me a link to your facebook page if you get a moment. that is, if you want to. :)
not to be a comment hog, but i was reading this post to my husband and, after laughing, he suggested that maybe they are aimed at hunters. so, you know, hunters can drink and shoot stuff at the same time. which is frightening.
As terrifying as that is, he's probably absolutely correct. The south, in general, baffles me at times.
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