This morning I was annoyed and posted about a mean person. This afternoon I think I should balance things a bit and post something about a nice person. Earlier this week Tammie blogged about doing a series of posts about the little things in her life that make her happy and brighten her day. I thought this was an excellent I stole it from her. But don't worry, she said it was ok.
This is my "Worry Angel"'s a worry stone with an angel inside. I know the pic sucks...sorry. But anyway, about six years ago I was in the hospital for several weeks. I thought I was going to die...literally. I was scared, confused, and pretty much alone. I had many amazing people taking care of me, but one nurse in particular really stood out. She was absolutely amazing...she would stay after her shift and sit and talk to me for hours...she helped ease some of my fears, she was comforting, she was funny, she brought me books & magazines, she was there for me. She made one of the most difficult times in my life bearable. I honestly don't know why she did everything she did for me. But she is one of the kindest people I've ever met in my life.
The day I was discharged from the hospital she came to see me, and gave me the worry angel. There was a card that explained that my particular stone was the Hope Angel...and there was this poem:
Where love & hope can start.
Give your worries to the Angels
Release your doubt & fear.
Trust in God to always be there
With Angels always near.
I was incredibly touched by this gesture and by her friendship. Now this worry angel goes everywhere with's always in my pocket, my purse, or in my car. This little stone is one of my most prized possessions. It reminds me of a difficult time in my past, and that I can survive a lot. It reminds me of the most selfless person I've ever met, the kind of person I would like to be. And it reminds me to strive to be the heroine of my story, not the victim.
She signed my card "from a nurse who cares". I guess you can consider me a patient who is eternally grateful.
The day I was discharged from the hospital she came to see me, and gave me the worry angel. There was a card that explained that my particular stone was the Hope Angel...and there was this poem:
Give your worries to the Angels
It is time to heal your heart.
Every day's a new beginning Where love & hope can start.
Give your worries to the Angels
Release your doubt & fear.
Trust in God to always be there
With Angels always near.
I was incredibly touched by this gesture and by her friendship. Now this worry angel goes everywhere with's always in my pocket, my purse, or in my car. This little stone is one of my most prized possessions. It reminds me of a difficult time in my past, and that I can survive a lot. It reminds me of the most selfless person I've ever met, the kind of person I would like to be. And it reminds me to strive to be the heroine of my story, not the victim.
She signed my card "from a nurse who cares". I guess you can consider me a patient who is eternally grateful.
this is a wonderful, beautiful story! and what a great gift.
i like how you say it reminds you to be the heroine and not the victim. YES! i love that. the world has enough victims.
Tammie ~ I was hesitant to even post that story. I'm pretty sure my writing skills aren't on par with my feelings on that subject. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for coming up with was a great one.
Very touching. I love that you shared this.
And--you have really pretty hands. I guess it's been a while since I've seen em in person.
Love you
Cousin It
What a touching story and, yes, a well-written one. The world could certainly use a lot more people like your nurse.
What a beautiful poem! I, too had a nurse like that one time. I swear SHE was an angel.
Thanks for posting this. It made my day and made me smile!
Cousin It ~ glad you enjoyed the post. but really? pretty hands? i hate my hands...they are all mangled from playing basketball.
Kim ~ you are too kind. but thanks :) and you're right, the world could use a lot more like her.
RLL ~ really, your parents didn't name you Real Live Lesbian? I thought maybe they were just really liberal or something =P glad i could make you have a nice one.
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