Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Where Is The Love?

This morning on my way to work I heard that Casey Johnson had died yesterday.  My first thought was who the hell is Casey Johnson.  So, since I'm a google whore, I looked her up as soon as I got to the office.  Basically what I learned is that she was the 30 yr old heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, she ran around with the Hilton sisters, she was gay, and she liked to party.  Sounds like 100 other celebutantes that are famous just for being famous.  But then I started noticing a trend in the comments to some of the articles I was reading.  I saw things like, "she was gay, that makes her a sicko and she deserved to die", and "what a waste of life and space", and several "who cares".   There was such an abundance of hateful and hurtful ugliness.  We make these people celebrities....and then we hate them for being famous.

I can't help but think that it's attitudes like this that is turning this world into one big shithole.  What happened to compassion?  When did we become so cold and uncaring?  This woman was someone's daughter, someone's mother, someone's best friend.  Whether you agreed with her, or her choices, doesn't make her any less of a human being. 

My condolences to her family and friends.


Anonymous said...

you bring up some interesting points.

i wasnt all that caring when i found out about her death. not in a "she deserved to die" or "what a waste of space" kinda way, more like a "why is this news?" kinda way. what makes her death anymore newsworthy than someone else's? for my part, im tired of people being famous for partying and im just not buying into that whole lifestyle. for the most part i dont even buy magazines anymore because im tired of taking fashion cues from boring billionaires.

that being said, its still sad she died and i saw she was engaged to Tila Tequila. now i cant stand tila and i have no respect for her. i watched some of her VH1 show and i think she played around with a lot of peoples emotions and i thought her behaviour was pretty shitty. BUT, she doesnt seem to be very lucky in her love life, and its kinda sad that she lost her love.

R.H. Ducky said...

i agree that her death isn't anymore newsworthy than someone else's. and the whole famous for partying thing is pretty ridiculous if you ask me. And honestly i was wondering why the story was all over the place too.

but it really struck me as tragic when i saw all of those negative comments. i also cried when i watched the christmas shoes the other day. maybe i'm getting soft in my old age.

Anonymous said...

i agree that people that take the time to leave hateful comments are pretty low. and losers. i mean, when i came across the article, i was like "click and move on." to leave a nasty comment is just ridiculous.

whats the christmas shoes?

R.H. Ducky said...

i think christmas shoes started out as a song (at least that's what adam said). the song got adapted into a series of 3 books. then the books became lifetime movies.

so yes, i watched 3 lifetime movies back to back and 2 of them made me cry. don't judge.

Anonymous said...

ha ha...gotcha.

i once stayed up late to watch an alec baldwin movie on lifetime. i forget what it was called and it was awful.

i was embarrassed afterwards.

Raquel's World said...

Well thanks for saving me the trouble of looking up Casey to find out who she is. I agree with you that is sad. We should try to show some compassion or at a minimum don't display it when we have none.

R.H. Ducky said...

exactly rhonda! if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. or go sit next clairee belcher ;)

Anonymous said...

did you see this article:


this whole thing makes me really really sad.

Anonymous said...

ok dammit. my link got caught off. anyway, it was an article about how nikki hilton and bijou phillips came over to tila tequilas house and were taking casey johnsons dogs and other belongings like fur coats and clothes and there was a bit of a brouhaha about it. everything about this story just seems crass and makes me sad for all involved.