Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekend List

The Good:

~  I got to talk to my favoritest cousin this weekend (don't tell my other cousins I said that)
~  finally raked the yard!  (well the front yard...I refuse to rake the back)
~  every article of clothing I own is washed, dried, and folded/hung
~  the dips/snacks I made were very well received by everyone (I'm so glad my food didn't kill anyone)
~  Russell did not win Survivor.  That arrogant ass doesn't deserve to win anything in my humble opinion.
~  I finished reading Dear John
~  I had a great time seeing a few friends that I haven't hung out with in way too long

The Bad:

~  The Lady Vols are no longer undefeated...Stanford beat them :(
~  Adam is being very argumentative with everyone lately.  I want my precious Adam back.
~  There are still a lot of clothes in my hamper that I need to put away (but they are at least folded)
~  I did not get my Christmas cards sent out.  *sigh*  I don't know what's wrong with my brain, I can't figure out why in the hell I keep putting these things off.
~  I didn't finish my list for the Day Zero Project (I did add to it, just not quite completely finished)
~  I drank way too much Friday night and felt pretty blah most of the day Saturday (but I had fun)
~  Russell did however win the people's choice prize thingy.  WTF is wrong America?  I find it absolutely appalling that his horrid behavior was rewarded with $100.000

The Ugly:

~  Brittany Murphy died!?!  Good gravy, she's the same age as I am...kinda makes you stop and think about things.  My sincere sympathy goes out to her family and friends.  This has really not been a good year for celebrities has it?


Anonymous said...

i was saddened and shocked by the Brittany Murphy death too. it always freaks me out when someone close to my age dies.

plus, as far as celebs go, i really did kinda like her.

R.H. Ducky said...

tammie: i KNOW...i'm the same way, it freaked me out. I really liked her. she always seemed so happy and someone i would enjoy hanging out with.